Yet even now, readers and critics can’t always agree on what fantasy is and what it isn’t.

See Ages of Myst III: Exile for descriptions.Fantasy is the oldest genre of literature, pre-dating the invention of bound books by thousands of years thanks to mythology and folklore. Narayan, Saavedro's home, which you visit only after you have completed the other three.J'nanin, the 'hub' Age, from where you will link to other Ages.Tomahna, Atrus, Catherine and baby Yeesha's home, where it all begins.After finding all 3 symbols, he then gets access to a final Age. He then must solve other puzzles in each age order to find a certain symbol and return to J'nanin. The Stranger is on J'nanin as a 'central' Age, and has to solve puzzles to get access to linking books for other Ages. The Exile structure is quite like that of Myst. Saavedro does not realize though, that Atrus has already imprisoned his sons for the horrible crimes they committed. Now, Saavedro is taking revenge on Atrus and his family, for the suffering he has had to endure. For Twenty years Saavedro has suffered the horror of believing that all of his people living on his homeworld are dead. Twenty years ago, Atrus's sons Sirrus and Achenar made a mess of his homeworld and then trapped him on the lesson age of J'nanin. This mysterious man is called Saavedro (played by Brad Dourif). This linking book leads to J'nanin, the lesson age where Atrus had hoped to teach his sons the Art of Writing many years ago. He links out, leaving another linking book behind. Suddenly, a mysterious man links into Atrus's study, appearing out of thin air, sets the study on fire and steals the Releeshahn linking book. Atrus has called the Stranger to Tomahna to show him his newest Age called " Releeshahn", which he wrote for the D'ni survivors to live on. Catherine calls this place " Tomahna" (in Uru: Ages Beyond Myst, it is explained that Tomahna is not a separate age, but actually a small area located on Earth).
The Stranger - Atrus's friend whose role the player takes in all of the Myst series games - arrives inside the new home of Atrus and Catherine, a beautiful little oasis surrounded by a desert. The story takes place about 10 years after the end of Riven. Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow. Other performances included Maria Galante as Catherine and Audrey Uhler as the baby Yeesha. The game featured live action performances including Rand Miller, the creator of the Myst series, returning to play Atrus once again, and Brad Dourif, starring as the villain of the game, Saavedro. On the technical side, a 360-degree panorama system was introduced (first seen in Atlantis: the Lost Tales), allowing the player to look around smoothly, with video clips seamlessly integrated. However, the game continued in the style of the previous games, allowing the player to navigate through imaginary worlds by clicking on prerendered images.

Unlike its predecessors, Myst and Riven, it was not produced by Cyan, Inc., the series' creator it was developed by Presto Studios and published by Ubisoft. Myst III: Exile is the third title in the Myst computer game series.